Thursday, August 30, 2012

I picked a sink-full of beans again and there's still tons out in the garden. I usually just pick what needs to be picked because it's getting too large, leaving the smaller ones to grow a bit bigger, in order to have fresh beans at all times. Once they're picked off the plant I try to do something with them ASAP. I planned my bean planting this year perfectly. These are off the second group of bush beans we planted about two weeks after the first, and this is the second flush from those plants. One more flush to go with these plants. The pole beans are producing a slower, steadier supply, with a few ready now and a whole lot more to come. I will be planting more pole beans next year than bush beans. I prefer the beans, they're easier to pick and produce a more constant supply. They also add architectural interest to the garden, always a plus since I like my garden to be a feast for the eyes as well as our stomachs. 

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