Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In the cold frame.

I have planted some new seeds in the cold frame, and some planted in the late fall/early winter months are now germinating. This kale, spinach and bok choy were smaller going into the winter months, although they are making up for it now. After a few sunny days these have all produced new leaves and are starting to grow again. There's also mache, arugula, cilantro and swiss chard, not pictured here, that made it through the freeze and are continuing to grow again. 


  1. So great to know our experiments are turning out the same. If I only had a bigger veg garden like yours.

    Jessica, I lay a bit of that thin white fleece over my newly planted seeds in the coldframe the day I put them in the ground. I note Niki Jabbour uses this same technique to keep the soil dampish and keep the seeds warmish and protected till they germinate. I found that out by happen stance, so if you haven't tried that...it works.

    Oh spring...OH NO..SNOW!!

  2. What I need right now is a bigger cold frame, so we're building two more! I want to fill them half and half with various greens, since we use so many, they're so nutritious and without them I really wouldn't be able to grow most of what we eat. We also planning on building a greenhouse ASAP, so we'll see when we're able to get around to it.

    I use the row cover too, I just pulled it off for this picture. I believe it's the reason why we had so much survive the winter months, my cold frame did not look like this early last year. I had lost almost everything I had left in the ground with the exception of two kale plants, one clump of spinach and a big arugula plant. My layer of mulch had been about the same.

    So much snow here! I had to shovel off the frame several times last week. At least it, hopefully, won't last much longer. What a teasing taste of spring we had!

    1. Two more cold frames....wonderful!!! and a greenhouse. Here are some ideas someone just sent to me, you might enjoy. We got our windows and doors at renovators resource in Halifax.


      We use a lot of greens too, so I focus on them the most.

  3. Very cool! We've been salvaging old windows and doors for several years now, most of them are the old windows out of my home, to make a greenhouse. That is some great inspiration, I am head over heels for the one with the sliding door! I love the idea of re-purposing items. Hoping to have a greenhouse by the end of the summer!
