Thursday, March 1, 2012

I can add Bok Choy and Edamame or Soybeans to my list of new to me veggies I am growing this year. I am going to try the edamame for my chickens since we end up buying them commercial feed to supplement their diet. I am really trying to reduce my reliance on the commercial feed, which mostly consists of corn, by growing some crops for the chickens. The one problem is the lack of space I have here on my property. I will see how the edamame grows this year and will hopefully have some for the chickens to eat fresh as well as store. I will also be stealing the odd pod or two to steam, pop open and eat with melted butter. If you have not tried fresh pods of edamame yet, please allow yourself the pleasure. Some liken the fresh steamed beans to popcorn when topped with sea salt. However you eat them, edamame is completely different from tofu, which is a highly processed product.