Thursday, August 23, 2012

Random Veggie Report.

Am I ever growing a pile of kohlrabi next year. The only downfall is that it takes up enough room in the garden while it matures, totally worth the wasted space in my opinion. Our first year growing it was a complete success. Super tasty stuff, I haven't made anything with it as we have been partial to eating it raw. 

One of our three asparagus beds, this one was started from seeds last year. Happy first birthday!

First year growing Edamame, soybeans, I'm excited to steam these guys. What a snack. 

Our corn is doing really well. 

My main melon. It looks dirty because we turn the melons to keep the side that is touching the dirt from rotting or just not looking so great. Some people put a board under the melon and when growing on a trellis you can make a little hammock for the melon to hang out in. 

Another melon well on it's way. 

Pumpkin vines are notorious for reaching. I always plant my pumpkins on the outermost edge of the garden so it can go for it. 

Pumpkin travels. 

Baby Pumpkin. 

Inside the cold frame which stays open constantly now. We are still eating swiss chard, kale and green onions that were planting in March. 

Tomato jungle. 


I put my bread outdoors to rise on sunny days. 


  1. We too never get past eating the kohlrabi raw. Sliced thinly, it makes a perfect chip for dipping with veggies and dip. You are getting a nice variety of food from your garden. Fresh bread makes me envious.

  2. Nothing quite like fresh bread George! We are getting quite the variety, thank you, dinner making has been a real treat.
