Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chive flowers are edible and extremely tasty. Here they are hanging out with some radishes and chive stalks.

Garlic Scapes are the twisted flower stalks fall planted garlic sends out in an attempt to create seeds. Fall planted garlic rarely disappoints with large heads of tasty garlic that store well, the Scapes are a welcome added bonus. You simply trim the tough ends and eat raw or sauteed in ghee or butter, my personal favourite method of consumption. Whether you eat the scapes or not, you still want to cut them from the garlic plant. The idea being that the plant will then send the energy back to the bulb and not into seed production. When you harvest the garlic bulbs, around mid summer when the plants die down, simply save some of your best bulbs to plant again in the fall. That's what I call frugal gardening.  

Yum! Ripe strawberries. We always try to leave the strawberries to eat in the afternoon after the sun has warmed the fruit. Quite the treat.


  1. Apparently they are edible. The seed pods are also edible. I can't say I have any experience using them as I usually just feed them to the chickens.

  2. I'll have to try them for something new.
