Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sum and Substance.

One of my favourite hostas this summer.


  1. The deer ate my hostas down to nubs this year. Any suggestions?

  2. Apparently they'll do that. Often people have to plant varieties of bulbs/perrenials that deer won't eat since it's next to impossible to keep them from eating the ones they like. You could try some of the tricks for keeping deer out like constructing a fence, hanging chimes, tying aluminum pie plates or cds to a string surrounding the plants, hot sauce diluted and sprayed on the leaves may deter them although I don't know how safe it is for the deer and some say planting aromatic herbs around the plants may help. I'm really surprised to hear how much deer like hostas, apparently they're a favourite, and lucky we don't have any bold enough to mow mine down!
