Monday, September 12, 2011


After spending three hours on the ATV trails yesterday we came up with these two chanterelle mushrooms in o.k. shape. We obviously need to find a better spot to look. This is our second excursion over the last few weeks that we have come up near empty handed. I would never consider our mushroom hunting trips to be wasted time as the weather and fresh air are divine. At least we are eliminating the areas we know the chanterelles do not grow abundantly. 

"In every walk with nature one recieves far more than he seeks" - John Muir   


  1. Remember we used to go in pinevale and guysborough on the trans canada trail - that`s where dad took us the most. All that picking and I`ve still never eaten one ... and I`m still kind of ok with that :)

  2. Mom and I were just talking about that. That's where John and I will have to look. I never ate them when I was younger. I think they're amazing now.
