Monday, November 19, 2012

Chicken Dinner.

After having butchered our 30 meat chickens last Sunday day/night, we could finally bring ourselves to have a chicken dinner. We will leave the majority of our parsnips in the ground covered with a thick layer of mulch to keep the ground from freezing around them until the spring, when we will dig them up to eat then. We will probably steal a few here and there to try, especially now that we have had some heavy frosts to sweeten their taste. I like to cook carrots and parsnips around my chicken not only because they're extremely delicious, also to save energy, time and dishes.  These parsnips were really tasty, and yes I did peel them, the dirt was a bit much to scrub off. 


  1. Nice harvest. The voles get most of my parsnips. The voles actually get a lot of everything. They have been chopping off the kale stems too.

  2. Shoot,I'm sorry to hear that! It is amazing how much damage a small pest can do.
