Friday, November 2, 2012

Extra Credit.

My cold frame bed is actually doing much better than I initially gave it credit for.  We've had some really nice days that the seedlings seemed to have appreciated. The Bok Choy is coming along quite well, as you can see pictured here. 

Kale, those are some oats that snuck their way into the cold frame bed in the back. 

Radishes and arugula seedlings. 

Little baby Kale outside the cold frame. I'm going to put a row cover over these guys for the winter since kale is so cold hardy and one of the only vegetables I can grow year round. We eat a lot of kale in the winter months, good thing it's so tasty. 

Brussel sprouts after I removed all the leaves. You remove the leaves to encourage the sprouts to form. 


Ruby red radishes. We also eat a lot of radishes into the fall and winter months. They certainly don't mind the cool weather, they enjoy it. 

I love growing celery. 


  1. Boy are you getting a lot of mileage from that cold frame.

  2. Your fall garden looks great. I just picked a couple of radishes. Aren't they nice and mild in the late season. The sprouts look delicious, mine have never done well, but I have not tried them recently. Never heard of the leaf plucking method.

  3. Everything looks great. My lettuce, spinach, and parsely look great in the greenhouse.

  4. Thanks Cathy! I hope it lasts forever with only minor repairs required, lord knows when we will get our greenhouse built.

    Thanks George! I couldn't agree more, radishes are divine in the late season. I've been slicing and sauteing mine in butter recently. Very yummy. This is my first year growing brussel sprouts and I'll bet I can get them to do even better next year. The sprouts could be larger, but they won't have to come out of the garden for quite some time now, being as cold tolerant as they are.

    Birds, bees, berries and blooms- Thank you! I'm envious of your greenhouse, we were hoping to have one built by this time, however things are a little off schedule these days!
