Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hi. My name is Phallen and I am a graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and a Registered Holistic Nutrition Consultant.
I run a home based business in the home my boyfriend and I purchased and fully renovated that I eventually hope to move into the community. I encourage individuals to take control of their own health, prevent disease, eat locally and sustainably, eat whole unprocessed foods as opposed to pre-packaged and prepared, exercise and strive for optimal nutrition. I believe the body has the ability to heal itself. I 'practice what I preach' and really appreciate having a job that allows me the freedom to do so. This was a choice I made for my health and my future. I grow a large garden that starts in March/April and ends in December and provides us with more than half of our vegetables for the year. We keep laying hens and raise our own chickens for meat. I try to purchase as little as I can from large grocery stores and like to support small businesses, craftsmen and producers. I'm frugal almost to a fault. We like to do everything we can for ourselves which can be stressful but is always rewarding. This blog is a place for me to inspire others, share recipes and nutrition information, gardening tips and much more.
Enjoy and Take Care!

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