Friday, February 10, 2012

Edibles to look forward to!

Chives, one of the earliest edibles to emerge. One of my favourite perrenials to have around.

Rhubarb, just poking out.

The new strawberry bed we planted last year. We harvested a lot of berries off these 40 some everbearing plants all summer and into the fall.

The first spears of asparagus poking out.

Little baby strawberry plants.

Lone asparagus spear.

Dandelion green soup.

Plant cloves of garlic in the fall and new shoots will greet you in the spring, ready to form new bulbs.  


Planting parsnips in April.


  1. I heard you have to pick dandelion greens early when they're baby plants in order for them to taste good - true? false? What month is "early"? I've always wanted to try them but never really caught on to the early part. Can't you use the roots for something too? I can't remember what - roasted to tea? Super curious little sister :)

  2. Yes, that baby ones are best. The bigger they get the more bitter they are. There isn't really a specific month that's early, you just want to pick the dandelions smallest leaves. After the dandelion has been picked a few times it starts to send out new, small leaves that can be picked again. You can start picking them as soon as they appear. Yup! The roots can be roasted for tea.

  3. did you ever try dandelion root tea? What's it taste like? I picture it tasting like dirt.

  4. It tastes bitter like coffee. It's a really nice subsitute for coffee and is thought to increase bile flow, thus helping with digestion.
