Monday, February 27, 2012

Our Fourth Garden.

Seedlings in the new cold frame. 

Kitty on cold frame. 

Digging in April. Prior to tilling. Not sure what I am doing here. 


New strawberry bed, freshly planted. 

Flower and veggie seedlings. 



Boyfriend planting in the rain.

The first year we were able to harvest any of our asparagus started from roots. 

The strawberry bed again. 

Asparagus spears.  We ate the thinnest spears raw straight after snapping off the crowns. They were divine. 

The strawberries, growing and loving life. 

We planted some potatoes for an early harvest. Success!

Our Rhubarb the first year we were able to harvest stalks. 

Baby garlic. 

Peas, before trellis. 


Strawberries making progress. 

Garlic growing. 

The onion seedlings in. 

Ravishing romaine. 

Left to right, carrots, beans and potatoes. 

Carrot seedlings. 

Garlic up to my waist, and I am about 5'9. 

The onion family. 

Peas climbing and looking like they got bashed around in the wind. 

Unripe strawberries. 

The big picture. 

Garlic scapes. 

Flowering peas. 


Scapes still on the garlic. 


Sugar snap bliss. 

Beets, beans, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts and lettuce lane.  

Baby carrots. 

The little work required in maintaining a strawberry bed is more than worth the end result of being able to pick sun warmed strawberries. We usually have social hour in the strawberry bed where my boyfriend and I hang out chatting and enjoying the berries. 

Some of our early potatoes. 

Baby leaf blend mesclun. 

Green onions and beans. 

Backyard produce shopping. 


Green pep. 

Celery and onions. 

Ground cherries and the prolific plants that bear these tasty gems. 

Skinny Ruta. 

Beauty beets. 

Planted peas where the garlic had been grown. 

Getting the cold frame bed ready. 

Garlic for growing and storing. 

Peas making more progress. 

Leggy leeks. 

The onion family again with the celery and some beets. 

The same strawberry bed at the end of the summer. 

Dwarf sunflower with rye and tomatoes in the background. 

Red raspberry canes. 

Kale, radish and other greens in the cold frame bed. 

Again you can see the green onions that we are still harvesting now in February. 

The great ground cherry harvest begins. Mind not my dirty dishes, sometimes gardening takes priority over housework. 

Ruby red radish. 

Misshapen parsnips and a mish mash of veggies. 

Harvesting onions. 

Early fall garden. 

Pick a pep. 

Swiss chard in the fall. 

Little baby broc. 

Preparing for frost and covering bare soil with leaves and seaweed. 

Fall garden. 

Full frame. 


Rutas and rye. 

Fall veg. corner. Broc, kale, green onions, beets and lettuce lane still going strong. 

Big, beautiful fall broc.  

Snow broc. 

Boyfriend in the cold frame. 


Putting most of the garden to bed for the year. 

Home sweet home. Home is where the garden is. 

February cold frame radish. 

February 16, 2012. Picking green onions from the cold frame. My gardening years suddenly start to overlap by extending the season. Come this spring we will, hopefully, have our greenhouse fully constructed. We are excited to extend the season even more! 


  1. Love your motto, "home is where the garden is". Nice pics. enjoyed looking at them. think I'm going to start dropping by for social hour.

  2. We're putting in another 25 strawberry plants this year beside the old bed. We'll be able to accommodate you.
