Thursday, January 9, 2014


Yesterday's project of planing hardwood for our basement renos. My boyfriend handpicked these logs out of our winter's wood about three years ago, some is rock maple and the lighter wood is ash. He bartered with a friend to have them milled up and then they stayed in our shop until we could use them. This is, maybe, a quarter of the hardwood but probably not even that much. We planed these boards yesterday and then brought them inside. When the moisture level gets to the desirable point, we will be sanding and finishing them. I will post a picture of the finished product when they become the new ledge at our basement entrance. Lots of work although very, very much worth it in the long run. We have all kinds of this hardwood now for building some deck furniture, a new tv stand and new shelving in several rooms. If we went and bought the hardwood, it would have cost us a lot more than any of the labor has.  


  1. It is beautiful! We had a planer for a while but left it in B.C. You will be so satisfied with the end results because doing it yourself makes it all the more special without a doubt.

  2. Thank you! Exactly, makes it more than worth the effort. We planed, sanded and finished all our own wood trim and baseboard for the upstairs but not from wood we milled, so this time was extra special!

  3. This is phenomenal Phallen! We just bought wood for our new place yesterday - we bought maple too! It's very beautiful and you'll be so proud once you've completed your project. You're right - extra special!

  4. I can't wait until we put it in, you'll really like it once you see where it's going.
