Friday, January 10, 2014

Veggie retrieval duty. Digging a couple feet down to find....

two beautiful rutabagas. I thought these were toast for sure, we had meant to dig them up and store them before they were covered in snow but we have had several feet of snow completely covering the garden since before Christmas! John dug down under the snow and found these guys were still covered with air trapped all around them under the insulating layers of snow. They were not frozen at all, I can hardly believe it. 

He also grabbed some carrots. 

With some shallots from our garden and a deer roast from the freezer we threw together a pot roast. Perfect for this time of year and the frigid weather we have been having. 


  1. how was the ground not frozen too solid to dig them out?! I feel like you're a magician gardener. Did you prepare your garden to keep the ground from freezing through?

  2. No, the row cover trapped warm air in and around the veggies, when the snow fell it kept the air in the row cover, under the snow.
